When you awake from your post lunch slumber a day later with a sex hangover, you’ll be famished David. Don’t forget you saved the octopus tentacles with thick, fatty skin for this very moment. Don’t even bother getting dressed. Just grab your black silk robe, hand Galen her Pucci throw and head for the veranda to light the grill.

The Chayote Salad
1 chayote, pitted and cubed
1 ripe xcatec chile deseeded, deveined and minced(should be orange or red)
A handful of lemon basil leaves
A smaller handful of mint leaves
Olive oil
Sea salt

Toss, cover and refrigerate for 15 minutes while you wrestle the octopus.

The Octopus
You seasoned the octopus with sea salt and pink peppercorns before your love nap so you should be ready to throw these on the grill. Brush them with a little more olive oil just before you do.

Plate it
Cut the octopus on the diagonal into manageable pieces. Mound the chayote salad in the center of the plate and arrange the octopus on top. Feed her the octopus with your strong, yet tender man hand in between sips of a light Sardinian Red or a Southern Italian Rosato.